Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What this blog is going to be about...

So basically, I just got this idea for this blog. I was thinking how cool it would have been to have had a blog when I was on my mission. The technology on the internet since I have been home has been insane. I have seen incredible things get huge overnight basically and I have adapted to all these new technologies pretty well. Thats pretty amazing after coming from a 'third-world' island nation that calls airplanes "Vakapuna" which translates to; flying boat.

Since returning home from my mission I have started many projects that are internet-related. I have always had an entrepreneurial-type spirit about me but it has really exploded since I have been home from the mish.

Just to keep everyone up to speed with what I have been doing... In 2005, I launched the first action sports (extreme sports) related website. It quickly grew to almost 12,000 members and I am in the final stages of selling it finally (so relieved). I then started an e-commerce site called AP Mailorder. That thing got hacked with over $15k in orders made by hackers. Not a fun deal. I then created my media site, then my own website, facebook , linkedin and twitter accounts, and mostly recently launched a blog community focused on action sports, music and art. Oh ya and I forgot to mention Robyn and I have a blog as well.

So I myself am absolutely no stranger to this abundance of web technologies that are at our fingertips. But I really wish they would have been available to me on my mission in the south pacific.

Memories are the most important thing you can take with you on your mission sure, but photos are almost as good. I unfortunately had thee worst luck with cameras on my mission. Not to mention, they were all mostly disposable, POS cameras. But most of the time, I didn't have a camera at all to use.

So what's the point of me creating this new blog? I am going to hopefully recreate my journey in the islands of Tonga and let you see how incredible my mission really was. Hopefully I can inspire a few others that have gone on mission's as well and didn't have a digital camera or had horrible camera luck like I did. Fortunately there is a great site called Flickr that has a slew of photos that other people have snapped of places that I have set foot on.

So without further adieu, I bring you my journey to the South Pacific -- remixed with my own personal style and other peoples photos. (hopefully I will get a chance to scan some of my own photos in as well)

This blog is mostly for myself so I can refer back to it from time to time, but you may just find it to be an interesting read... Enjoy!

Malo Aupito!

1 comment:

robyn said...

Yeah I am excited for this!! I love hearing about your mission!!